ESL Teaching Certificates

Remote Work, Remote Jobs, Online Work, Online Jobs, Work from Home, Remote Online Work, Remote Online Jobs, Teach English Online, Teach ESL English Online, Remote ESL English Teaching Jobs, Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, Remote Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, ESL Teaching Certificates, Teaching Certifications

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Get Your TESOL/TEFL ESL English Teaching Certificate(s) and start earning $$$ Teaching Remotely Online!

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Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TESOL Certificate (€19 EUROS)
Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TEFL Certificate (€19 EUROS)

Are ESL Teaching Certificates Necessary?

As of 01 / January / 2019, the Chinese government now requires that all foreign teachers who work online for Chinese ESL companies have an accredited ESL teaching certificate of either TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA types. Although some ESL companies are less strict to allow you to obtain your ESL teaching certificate after you are hired, some will not allow you to start (or even consider hiring you) until you have completed such a course and have provided written proof of having obtained one of these teaching certificates.

Why Obtain an ESL Teaching Certificate?

Obtaining a TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA teaching certificate gives you an enormous advantage over other job applicants because it shows that you are serious about your teaching profession. Having such a certificate in hand also opens whole new worlds of job opportunities - both online as well as if you wish to travel to remote places around the globe to teach English.

TESOL ESL Teaching Certificates

TESOL is an acronym that is a general name for the field of English as a Second Language (ESL) / English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching that includes TEFL as well as CELTA. TESOL (which stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is primarily used in North America, while TEFL (which stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is used more in Europe and Australia. However, both courses are intended for the same purpose of certifying teachers to teach English as a Second Language, i.e. ESL English.

TEFL ESL Teaching Certificates

TEFL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Such programs are geared toward countries where English is not the primary language.

CELTA ESL Teaching Certificates

CELTA is an acronym that stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. It is a specific type of certification for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) administered by Cambridge English Teaching Qualification centers. There are over 300 approved centers in more than 70 countries where you can take your CELTA course. More than 1,500 CELTA courses are available every year, and CELTA is usually the most expensive type of ESL/EFL course.

Online TEFL ESL Teaching Certificates

Options do exist to complete such courses entirely online. Online TEFL teaching certificate courses can be done at such places as PremierTEFL, LetsTEFL, and SeeTEFL. However, even these online courses which cost several hundred U.S. dollars can be beyond the budget of many people.

Online TESOL ESL Teaching Certificates

Another lower-priced option is to complete the TESOL Certificate course at Coursera adminstered by Arizona State University. However, like other courses, this will take you anywhere from several weeks to several months to complete.

Lowest-Price TESOL / TEFL ESL Teaching Certificate(s) (Best Value)

If you are looking to get your accredited TESOL / TEFL ESL English teaching certificate(s) as quickly and as cheaply as possible, then two great options exist to get your TESOL / TEFL teaching certificate(s) online: The 120-hour Online TESOL Certificate and the 120-hour Online TEFL Certificate from the International Open Academy are accredited by the International Council for Online Educational Standards (ICOES), and are Godsends because both TESOL / TEFL courses are entirely online, and their tests are EXTREMELY SIMPLE, ENTIRELY NON-TIMED MULTIPLE-CHOICE, INCREDIBLY LOW-PRICED (at the time of this writing only €29 EUROS), AND VERY EASY to complete VERY FAST literally within 2-3 days!

Furthermore, because these two TESOL / TEFL courses are accredited by the ICOES, they fulfill the requirements of the Chinese government for all ESL English teachers. I personally did these two courses to obtain my 120-hour accredited TESOL certificate as well as my 120-hour Online TEFL Certificate through these online courses, and therefore I am now qualified and certified to teach at any ESL company in China - or anywhere else in the world - that requires TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA teaching certification(s).

Get your 120-hour accredited TESOL Certificate Online for currently €29 EUROS or your 120-hour accredited TEFL Certificate Online for currently €29 EUROS, and jumpstart your career with whole new worlds of job opportunities teaching ESL English remotely online in literally less than a week!

Other Certifications

Other certifications that you may find both useful and advantageous to successfully land a remote online teaching job are from various courses in the fields of teaching, special needs, psychology, and parenting such as:

Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TESOL Certificate (€19 EUROS)
Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TEFL Certificate (€19 EUROS)

Apply to Teach Remotely Online


Remote Work, Remote Jobs, Online Work, Online Jobs, Work from Home, Remote Online Work, Remote Online Jobs, Teach English Online, Teach ESL English Online, Remote ESL English Teaching Jobs, Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, Remote Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, ESL Teaching Certificates, Teaching Certifications
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Remote Online Jobs and Work from Home!
Remote Work, Remote Jobs, Online Work, Online Jobs, Work from Home, Remote Online Work, Remote Online Jobs, Teach English Online, Teach ESL English Online, Remote ESL English Teaching Jobs, Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, Remote Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, ESL Teaching Certificates, Teaching Certifications